HARIO V60 Craft Coffee Maker (Pourover Set)

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  • Regular price $37.00
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If you're looking to get started with coffee brewing, or know someone you'd like to get started with manual brewing (and maybe the have a birthday coming up), then this HARIO starter set was made for you. This great value boxed set comes with a HARIO V60-02 Clear Coffee Dripper, a HARIO V60-02 Diner Coffee Server, and a 40-pack of white V60-02 filters. Oh, and there's a coffee measuring spoon so you don't even need to buy a scale... yet.

  • Capacity: 600ml
  • 40 White V60-02 Paper Filters
  • Acrylonitrile-styrene Resin Dripper
  • Heatproof Glass Server
  • Polypropylene Handle, Band, Lid and Measuring Scoop
  • Microwave Safe
  • Made in Japan

HARIO V60 Craft Coffee Maker - User Manual

kinto kalita hari hair hairo chemex coffee maker pour over pourover felow fello fellow kettle fellow stag bonavita buono hario timemore bodum melior cosori diguo dualit felicita bonavita brewista bundle etmos karter set pour-over pour over plastic v60 filter simplify gino dripper melitta kalita wave coffee simply simplifi bathtub v60 chemexpourover pour over poreover jino lino fellow stagg japon nippon dripper 155 185 coffee maker pour over pourover v60 SIMPLY kinto kalita hari hair hairo set pour-over pour over plastic v60 filter